Bundle includes
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
The Lover Archetype Master Class
Perfect your ability to captivate, create and connect in this one-of-a-kind master class.
The Sage Archetype Master Class
Level up. Balance erotic energy with emotional distance-- like every devastating siren. Learn to keep your captivating 'cool'.
The Maiden Archetype Master Class
Embrace the 9 stages of feminine transformation. Tap into your gut instinct, deep creativity, and your ability to bring captivating lightness and empathy to every relationship.
The Huntress Archetype Master Class
Reclaim your independence, your power, and feminine warrior spirit by connecting to the Huntress Archetype.
The Queen Archetype Master Class
Activate your queen instinct to attract love, power, and the best life has to offer.
The Mother Archetype Master Class
Harness your power to nurture, emotionally connect and to reclaim divine femininity.
The Feminine Odyssey
All 7 Feminine Archetype Courses
You attract the right things once you have a sense of who you truly are. I invite you to embark on the most important journey you'll ever take-- the journey within. The Feminine Odyssey is an unprecedented series of seven Master Classes that each dive deep into the 7 feminine archetypes. Each archetype is a powerful expression of feminine energy that exists in every woman. To date, feminine archetypes are the most powerful tool we have to understand who we are out our core, our relationships, how we uniquely captivate, the partners we attract, and what we must do in order to live our most-fulfilling and abundant lives. When we are aligned with our archetypes, we experience fast progress and deeper levels of fulfillment. When we are not aligned, we feel stuck. The beauty of archetypes is that they are effective for all types of growth and change. You can use them to improve your career, your finances, your love life, and your overall well being.
I've devoted the past five years to investigating feminine archetypes, in particular their pre-patriarchal origins, and developing new insight that could help women live happier, richer, and more powerful lives. My research into feminine archetypes has lead to an original archetype assessment, the 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes™ and now, a series of Master Classes where I will finally share the full extent my work. It's colossal, but not only that, empowering to a diverse, global society of women who will all see themselves, and recognize their own power, in the timeless stories shared. My deep dive into the archetypal underworld prompted me to design a life of purpose-- on purpose. Archetypal psychology wa the game changer for me-- and I know it will be for you.
Why Women Love this Course!
“Ayesha has been an integral resource for building myself up after my spiritual awakening. Her wisdom is a grounding force. She puts so much into what she teaches and you can tell. I've never felt so comfortable with my feminine energy like I do now, and her Feminine Odyssey course is IT. ”
“I absolutely love what you've created here for all of us Ayesha. I'm amazed at how you managed to get to the root of the BS that keeps us stuck, call out the exact ways we relinquish our power, and then get to the heart of what needs to be done to start turning things around. It's brilliant really. I appreciate how you teach and deliver the wealth of knowledge and information you've gathered from your studies, research, observations, and life experience. Not only is it ridiculously thorough, it has this brilliant balance between being well researched, clearly mapped out, poignant delivery mixed with an energy of non-judgement, openness, genuinely here to help and serve others. ”
“I finished the Five Laws of Feminine Power-- AMAZING! I enrolled in the Master Class and I'm working through the Mystic! Can I just say that you are so smart, and interesting and I'm blown away by how much great stuff there is in your content. I will be devouring everything you put out!”
“Thank you so much for creating this sacred space. I just started your "Goddess Archetype" course. These are things I needed when I was younger... again, thank you so much. ”
“Your work is a gift from God. The longer I sit with it, the more the truth of it deepens. I am in awe. ”
“The Feminine Odyssey is a spiritual, mental and emotional journey that every woman must undergo. Most people spend years of their lives being diluted versions of themselves, and they die. But I dare myself and challenge myself to do the internal work to stand unafraid of my truth. ”
“ I identify so much with this Master Class! The Maiden is my dominant archetype and the best part has been the nine part transformation. Life changing!”

“ I looked back on my relationships and they were 90% with a recluse man who had not yet fully developed himself. One particular was so passionate, we were addicted to each other however, the relationship was very toxic and we had a hard time separating. Very deep. The others have been with messenger men and I apparently was not fully developed within my power and they ran all over me. No boundaries with messenger men. And I must admit, a little darkness in a man attracts me to them. Yikes! Anyway, Wow! This class is spot on. Ayesha, you are a genius!”

“Ayesha, So much Gratitude to you! Thank you for this course. I have always felt wrong and in conflict within myself but today as part of this course, I can finally say that the pieces of my brokenness have come back home to me. I have peace in my femininity. I have gone to church, to business seminars, etc... Nobody has ever explained this the way you just did. I am now excited about being in my own little paradise and letting my energy attract what i wish to create! Thank you so much!”
“I just had to let you know that I am very grateful for your Feminine Odyssey and The Five Laws of Feminine Power. These courses are what I have been looking for. After searching and taking different courses on 'self love' 'sexual liberation' & 'feminine energy' that I later found out were surface level and not well thought out I am glad that I invested my money into your work. Your commentary in the Grapevine, Youtube, Inside The Pink Podcast, The Women Love Power website etc is so eye opening. I am excited for what is to unfold in both of these courses and I plan to participate in your future courses. In just the last two weeks there have been so many things that have made me excited to make some changes in my life. One thing that stuck out was when you spoke about Aphrodite looking into the mirror to see who she really is. (I have recently been researching about doing mirror work) Also when you spoke about distancing oneself from emotions is something I really need to work on. Thank You so much! ❤️”

More testimonials!
“I just wanted to write to say thank you for your amazing work. I bought your Sophisticate bundle and have completed the Lover section, and I feel it has pushed me so much further on my personal journey and evolution. So much of it rang true, and I’m so grateful to have found it at my age. The lesson that my energy is a gift and I inspire people as a Lover woman is so true and something I have been told often — but your course allowed me to fully believe and embrace it! The visual of the siren’s island also makes perfect sense to me; by creating a life that gives me deep pleasure and fulfillment, not only am I making myself happy, but I am creating a world that the right kind of person would be interested in joining. Your guidance goes so much deeper than attracting men, it’s a life philosophy.”

“ Once I started this programme, I couldn’t stop. I became annoyed by the work I had to do in between and rescheduled everything else. In truth, a few lines, nor even a paragraph can really truly give justice to this body of work. Coming from me that’s pretty something too because I am extremely really read from spirituality to neuroscience, confident and live my life authentically. Despite being a Lover I’ve never fallen prey to the ridiculous stereotypes pumped out by the patriarchy either. As your programme states, I guess I saved my sanity over the years by developing the Sage aspect. I’ve always, always defined my own worth. But yet there was a part of me that I didn’t understand. This part was like a bolt that was preventing the wheels from running smoothly. Where I had great success in life, I was unable to truly understand the reason why to enable me to replicate it for the times when I'd fallen. When I’d encounter really quite terrible jealousy and meanness (which there was a lot), once again, I couldn’t understand why. I knew that I was full of love and kindness and could never comprehend why I was always encountering this abuse, and that’s in adulthood! And so with my Lover self, I'd unconsciously go back for more. A lot came from women too who I dedicate my time to empowering. I knew also that despite being in my fifties I had a magnetic vibe from men. I knew this was because I’m a free-spirit, but it’s clear from this programme the reason why was even more profound than I thought. As you can see I’m struggling to keep this short:). After going through the programme I immediately changed by branding to that of the Lover and my Instagram followers and engagement suddenly started picking up. Everything suddenly started to make sense. In the past, I’ve had counselling and all sorts to try and understand. To try and remove the bolt. Although it helped loads, the bolt still remained. Perhaps all counsellors should do your programme as a part of their studies! The only thing I’m cross about is that I’ve only just discovered you. It seems crazy because I never stop growing and evolving, and not shy to investigate everything! I suspect it came now because I had finally cut myself away from all the abusers. The cut was bloody. I took no prisoners. Deep down I knew these people although very close to me they were trying to destroy me. Each section is golden nugget after golden nugget. After going through the Lover programme, I thought there is no way that the Maiden programme could touch it or come even close. I was so fully satisfied after listening to Lover I didn’t want to spoil my taste buds by listening to Maiden. Oh gheeze, how wrong I was, I entered a goldmine once more. You are truly a phenomenal woman. Your work is beyond magnificent! ”

Ayesha K. Faines
Founder, Women Love Power